Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Blog #11

 I personally am against Wikileaks and believe what they did was wrong.  The video that was leaked in the Baghdad Airstrike in 2007, Wikileaks used selective editing and didn't present the full story.  If you were to watch the video that Wikileaks put out, it would look like that we just started shooting at innocent civilians but in reality that isn't true.  In the video you can see at least one man holding an AK-47 and you can see anther man holding a grenade launcher.  Wikileaks used agenda setting to push their narrative to make it seem like what happened in Baghdad was a "atrocity" when in reality that's just not the case.  I think the critiques that Julian Assange has gotten for being "anti America" are accurate.  This is a guy that has leaked things on both sides and I think the reason for that is to make our country look bad regardless of political party.  I also though don't really think that Julian Assange is some sort of attention seeker and a fake journalist.  I think this is just the false realty of journalism today.  I think journalists are set in their ways and instead of accurately reporting on things they go ahead and report on things in a way that they make it look the way they want it to look.  Nowadays it's hard to find any sort of media outlet that will be unbiased and will just report the facts of the situation.  It seems like nowadays all that the media is focused on is pushing their narrative and not reporting the facts which is a huge problem in this world.  

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