Tuesday, April 26, 2022

3 HPU Club Sports You May Not Be Aware Of

3 HPU Club Sports You May Not Be Aware Of 

Three club sports at High Point University that's worth checking out

By: Nick Gonnella

Q News

High Point University offers many extracurricular activities to give students the opportunity to either engage in something they are passionate about, or to give new things a try.  Club sports are an amazing avenue for both of these things.  

Obviously High Point has club teams for some of the more popular sports like basketball, baseball, soccer and hockey, but they also offer club teams for sports that are often overlooked.  Here are three club sports teams that you should be aware of.  


Club Rowing currently has 32 rowers on the team with 18 female rowers and 14 male rowers.  During the spring and fall season the team practices on Mondays through Fridays at the gorgeous Oak Hallow Lake. 

Club rowing also competes in three regattas per semester.  They always host one at their home lake at Oak Hallow, and the other two are large scale traveling regattas.  This year the team traveled to Tennessee, and Georgia for the races.  

Rowing is great for making new friends, and for staying in good shape.  When head coach Burt Whicker was asked about why people should check out Club Rowing he said, "Rowing is not just a sport.  It's an outlet for pain through pain.  It's a teacher of discipline and determination.  It takes you to your breaking point, and teaches you to bend rather than snap.  It marries grace and power.  It makes you strong."

Ballroom and Latin Dance

Club Ballroom and Latin Dance meets twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays at the parkway commons for practice from 8:30-10PM.  They compete in dancing waltz, Vienesse, tango, foxtrot, swing, chacha, rhumba and mambo.  

Club Ballroom has traveled to NC State, South Carolina, University of Virginia, University of Georgia, and Maryland Tech for their competitions but are hoping to host a competition next semester. 

Doing Ballroom is also a very good way of becoming closer with other people because of the trust you must build with your dance partner. 

Ballroom and Latin Dance Club member Camille Oliver when asked about the friends she's made through ballroom said, "Yes I have ballroom friends at High Point and other schools now".  Oliver went on to say, "I'd recommend every HPU student who has the slightest interest to give ballroom dance a try.  It's so much fun to learn new dances and has made opportunities for me to connect with all kinds of people through dance."


The Equestrian club has only one practice a week and it's split up by skill level so you won't have to worry about riding with skilled horseback riders.  In your assigned practice you receive a specific lesson for the day.  

Practices are broken up into two to three people and you get to ride a different horse each practice.  If you have no horseback riding experience that isn't a problem.  The Equestrian club welcomes everyone in from first time beginners, to very advanced riders.  

For their competitions, the Equestrian teams traveled to Emory, Henry, University of North Carolina Greensboro, and Averett.  When member Claire Steffens was asked about her experience on the team, she said,  "It gives me an outlet where I could forget about school and such and just enjoy myself and have fun."

Related Stories:

NC State Rowing Championships

What a Ballroom Practice Looks Like

Zone 4 Championship

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Situation Depression


Web news story exercise: change this print story to an online story using the 3-2-2-1 formula

This means:

  • Start with a headline
  • Your byline
  • Q News
  • A soft lead graf and a backup (nutgraph) graf to the lead
  • 3 chunks:
    • Your first subheading followed by a (mini story 1)
    • Second subheading followed by (mini story 2)
    • Third subheading followed by (mini story 3)
  • 2 internal links (at least two links for topics mentioned in the story that need explanation)
  • 2 external links (at the end of your story, add Related Stories: then add hyperlinks with the actual headlines to two related stories)
  • 1 piece of art that you should find via the piracy free links in our multimedia PowerPoint. 

5 Red Flags You're Dealing With 'Situational' Depression

                        Experts explain how to recognize symptoms and cope with this adjustment disorder.

By: Caroline Bologna

Q News

Depression is not a one-size-fits-all experience. For many, it persists for a long time or feels as though it’s constantly recurring. For others, it may only arise under specific circumstances and for a short duration. This latter condition is what many call “situational depression.”

“Situational depression is a depressive experience that is triggered by a traumatic event or a change in a person’s life, such as job loss, the death of a loved one or an unstable work environment,” said Greg Kushnick, a licensed psychologist in New York. “It is usually considered to be a normal reaction to a major life change or trauma.”

What's considered "Situational" Depression?

He noted that a depressive reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic can be labeled “situational,” depending on the severity of symptoms, when they started and how long they persist.

The term “situational depression” is more of an informal descriptor for what is often categorized as a type of “adjustment disorder.

“When people think of situational depression, they are often thinking of adjustment disorders,” said 
Bartek, clinical instructor of psychiatry at Michigan Medicine. “An adjustment disorder is a reaction to a stressor that is more intense than a typical emotional response, but not as severe as a full depressive episode.”

“I hear people use the phrase ‘situational depression’ quite a bit, and I honestly have mixed feelings about it,” he added. “It captures something valuable for many people, in that it seems to provide an explanation for the sadness they are experiencing. That can also be a risk, though, since people often minimize the severity of their depression when they think of it as just a reaction to a situation.”

Wondering whether your experience with depression is “situational” rather than something more long-term? Below, experts share some insights on the matter.

As with other depression-related experiences, situational depression tends to involve a low mood and feelings of sadness, guilt or hopelessness. You may have more difficulty feeling pleasure or joy than usual, as well.

“The first step is recognizing that there has been a change in your mental health, Kushnick said. “If you’re unsure, consider asking someone who knows you well as to whether he or she has witnessed any changes in your mood.” (Or, if you’re worried about a loved one experiencing this issue, make note of the changes in their mood.)

Bartek emphasized that it’s perfectly normal and understandable to experience low moods, especially amid the challenges of 2020.

“People sometimes feel pressure to ignore negative emotions ― particularly in a world of perfect Instagram photos ― but during a year with a worldwide pandemic, economic uncertainty, a nationwide referendum on racial violence, and families divided along political lines, experiencing strong and sometimes negative emotions is normal and does not need to be a source of shame,” he said.

Symptoms of Situational Depression

In addition to mood shifts, various behavioral changes are also associated with situational depression. These include changes in appetite and eating habits, poor or excessive sleep, bouts of crying, social isolation, losing your temper, rumination, loss of energy and more.

“People may engage in binge eating or reckless behavior, or ‘acting out’ ― impulsive or self-injurious behavior with substances, sexuality, etc.,” said Sue Varma, a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at NYU Langone Medical Center. “It becomes concerning when someone’s making poor decisions ― or has thoughts or behaviors of self-harm. This warrants immediate professional help.”

“Usually you will see emotional or behavioral symptoms within three months of a specific stressor occurring in your life,” Varma said.

Basically, you’re having an emotional response to a traumatic event or life change, and the extent of the reaction will exceed what is expected in response to that stressor. What constitutes an “expected” response can vary, depending on your culture, baseline mood and behavior.

In more extreme circumstances like the trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic, your baseline may shift, as everyone is expected to experience some mood and behavioral changes in this time. But it’s important to continue monitoring your psychological response and how it affects your day-to-day life.

With situational depression, your symptoms can be severe enough to impair your daily functioning. You may have low motivation and difficulty concentrating.

“People usually experience low mood or anxiety that is intense enough to impact their functioning, such as not being able to focus at work or neglecting relationships,” Bartek said, adding that you shouldn’t allow the “situational” moniker to prevent you from seeking treatment when you need it.

Finally, the main item that sets situational depression from something more long-term is how long you’re experiencing the issue.

“Situational depression has a shorter duration than other forms of depression. Situational depression ends when the event ends, the person recovers or with the passage of time,” Kushnick said, adding that therapy can help reduce the severity and length of the symptoms.

What should you do if you have situational depression?

Bartek noted that these symptoms tend to go away about six months after the stressor ends. Although disorders like situational depression usually don’t require medication for treatment, they can be serious and are associated with an increased risk for suicide.

And if the situation triggering the symptoms is a severe trauma, you also may experience other symptoms, such as nightmares, flashbacks or other problems associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. Talking to a professional can help determine the best course of action for your particular circumstances.

“The best ways to resolve an adjustment disorder are to stop the stressor (if possible) and to engage in therapy,” Bartek said.

“Throughout this year, the stress, uncertainty, and isolation that has come from the COVID pandemic have led to many people feeling symptoms of depression that are new to them,” he added. “If these symptoms are persistent and do not go away as they normally would, if they are impairing someone’s ability to function, and especially if someone develops thoughts of suicide, treatment should be sought. There are good, evidence-based treatments that can bring relief, even while this stressful situation persists.”

If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also text HOME to 741-741 for free, 24-hour support from the Crisis Text Line. Outside of the U.S., please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for a database of resources.

Related Stories:

Understanding Situational Depression 

Overview of Situational Depression

Monday, December 13, 2021

Final Blog

The internet has changed the world of mass communication by establishing a connection to every person in the world.  The internet has made it super easy to communicate with anyone in the world.  A good example of this is that my friend is a student at the University of Delaware and for his anthropology class he had to get in contact with someone from Europe and ask them different questions about their culture.  He ended up dm'ing a guy from Italy and he ended up getting in contact with him and got all the information necessary to complete his assignment. The internet has also made it so easy to get and share information.  Nowadays people get notifications sent to their phones from different media outlets that give you fast and up to date news about whats going on in the world.  From world news, pop culture, sports and so on, with access to the internet you can receive news about whatever you want whenever it's first announced. Now despite these things some people would say that the internet has hurt how we socialize to one another in person.  Some people believe that the internet cannot take the place of true face to face interaction and it seems that no matter how much people interact online, it doesn't help people when it comes to finding true human interactions that they desire.  Also the internet can be a very addictive place and being on it too much can be detrimental.  According to a study done at the Stockholm School of Economics,
people who spend a lot of time online tend to score lower on scales of emotional intelligence and social skills.  The people who spend the most time online are young kids and the issue with this is that young people are the ones that need to learn how to interact with people the most.  Intuitively, it does make sense: if people are having a hard time communicating with other people, they are going to be less likely to participate in social interaction.  Instead these people are going to spend their time alone scrolling through social media and chatting with people online.  People that do this though have a very low chance to improve their communication skills.  They've entered a downhill slide, where they spend hours a day online and become more and more lonesome, and never feel comfortable communicating with others.  It's very important that every now and then we shut off our phones and just interact with the people around us in order to avoid this destructive downward spiral.  Human beings crave social interaction and without it people get very lonely and depressed.  At the end of the day, human beings are social animals that need interaction with others to survive.  It's very important to remember this now more than ever since we are now living in a world that is spending more and more time online. We need to limit our time on the internet and just interact with each other because although it's great connecting with people online, there's nothing better than connecting with people face to face.     

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Blog #12

 Confirmation bias is only seeing new information that confirms your previous beliefs.  This is something that we sadly see all the time in todays world.  People will constantly just refuse to believe that their side is wrong and will only listen to people that will fuel their beliefs.  This is something that we don't just see in politics.  I personally am a massive sports fan, and as we know sports fans can get very attached and emotional to there favorite team and players to the point where they are convinced that they are good even though that's just not the case.  ESPN analyst and former host of the show First Take Skip Bayless is a great example of that.  He has a strong dislike towards NBA star Lebron James and still thinks that Micheal Jordan who his over fifty years old could beat Lebron James in a game of basketball to this day.  He also shoots down Lebron's accomplishments all the time and refuses to think Lebron is one of the best basketball players ever no matter what he does.  You do, as I mentioned earlier, see this in politics a lot as well.  There are youtube videos out there where people are reading a quote from Bernie Sanders and saying that Trump said it and the people are agreeing with it but once they figured out that Trump is the one that said the quote they don't know what to do with themselves.   People will just believe anything they here if they think it came from someone that they support.        

Blog #11

 I personally am against Wikileaks and believe what they did was wrong.  The video that was leaked in the Baghdad Airstrike in 2007, Wikileaks used selective editing and didn't present the full story.  If you were to watch the video that Wikileaks put out, it would look like that we just started shooting at innocent civilians but in reality that isn't true.  In the video you can see at least one man holding an AK-47 and you can see anther man holding a grenade launcher.  Wikileaks used agenda setting to push their narrative to make it seem like what happened in Baghdad was a "atrocity" when in reality that's just not the case.  I think the critiques that Julian Assange has gotten for being "anti America" are accurate.  This is a guy that has leaked things on both sides and I think the reason for that is to make our country look bad regardless of political party.  I also though don't really think that Julian Assange is some sort of attention seeker and a fake journalist.  I think this is just the false realty of journalism today.  I think journalists are set in their ways and instead of accurately reporting on things they go ahead and report on things in a way that they make it look the way they want it to look.  Nowadays it's hard to find any sort of media outlet that will be unbiased and will just report the facts of the situation.  It seems like nowadays all that the media is focused on is pushing their narrative and not reporting the facts which is a huge problem in this world.  

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Blog #10

 Living in the age of AI does nothing but scare me.  I know this has nothing to do with the video but it's definitely worth mentioning.  In my junior year of high school, my teacher told us all a story about how these robots created their own language that way they can communicate with one another without humans being able to understand them.  The fact that AI can do these type of things is very scary to me.  I also thought is was fascinating how in the video AI figured out how to get really good at the game of pong in a relatively short period of time.  It just goes to show how smart AI can really be.  Now the reason this worries me is because I feel like if AI can become so smart, they can become a threat to human beings around the world.  First of all they could takeaway jobs from people.  Nowadays you see people's jobs being replaced by machines all the time.  It's the cheaper option and works just as well.  As we've seen, AI is just as if not more intelligent than us so eventually as AI evolves they'll be able to perform jobs much better than humans, and it'll be the cheaper option since they won't have to be paid. and even worse they could just take over the human race.  If AI is so smart that they can create their own language in a short period of time then the sky is the limit for what they can do.  

Blog #9

 Agenda setting is a theory that was first introduced in 1972 by Dr. Maxwell McCombs and Dr. Donald Shaw.  It's the idea that the public's opinion is set by the media.  Nowadays we are always seeing media outlets and other companies constantly pushing their agenda onto people.  A good example of this is Facebook.  Current White House press secretary Jen Psaki came out and said that they were working with Facebook to censor certain content.   They're doing this to simply push their narrative and eliminate arguments from the opposing side.  You also see News Outlets all the time using people's human values and fear to their advantage in order to make them think what they want them to believe.  AN example of this is if you were to turn on CNN, they would be talking about how everyone needs to be vaccinated and that everyone should be wearing masks because we need to keep everyone safe since the Corona Virus is still very dangerous.  Then you would turn on FOX and they'd be saying the complete opposite.  They'd be saying that we need to fight back against the vaccine laws because it's a violation of our rights and we should be able to go to work without getting vaccinated.  Now the issue with this is that it makes it very hard to trust any sort of media.  All mainstream media has a bias towards their agenda and is just trying to change the public's perception of reality and they'll say anything in order to make us believe what they're saying.  

This plays a huge affect on different segments like race, gender, and sexuality because nowadays media is using minorities to gain more votes in elections.  News stations are constantly talking about how certain political parties are against things like same sex marriage, women getting paid the same as men, and equality of 
minority races.  When mainstream companies push this they're gonna get large groups of people to side with them.  Agenda setting also has a large impact on me.  Nowadays the people in my generation have no interest being friends with you if your political views are different then theres because media outlets have painted a picture that the opposing viewpoint is just so terrible which has completely divided GenZ.  Now obviously there are still some people out there, like myself, that don't care about your political views and don't treat it as a personality trait but the people that do view your views as that do exist and there's a lot of them.  People like that just simply make it a lot harder to make friends.   Also everyone in my generation is constantly on social media which is where you see a lot of political bias.  Like I said earlier, social media is choosing what to show us and what to take down in order to push their agenda.  When you have a bunch of young adults who just believe everything they read seeing that, they're going to eat it all up and believe every single word of it. 

3 HPU Club Sports You May Not Be Aware Of

3 HPU Club Sports You May Not Be Aware Of  T hree club sports at High Point University that's worth checking out By: Nick Gonnella Q New...