Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Blog #7

 The technology that I found the most interesting was the carrier pigeon.  Before hearing about them in class I didn't even think they worked and they would just give letters to pigeons and thinking it would go where they wanted it to go.  I found it interesting that they would breed these pigeons knowing they would fly back to there nests with whatever message they planned on delivering.  The person that was most responsible for making this a popular thing was Genghis Khan.  Khan built a massive network that spread all across Asia and Europe.  Carrier pigeons were used throughout most of the 19th century and were even used a bit in WW1.  

Lastly I wanted to talk about the printing press.  Now I knew what the printing press was but I didn't ever think about how much of an impact it had on society around the world.  The printing Press is one of the most revolutionary piece of technology ever.  It helped make news travel faster and more accurately,  it made it easier to gain access to books and newspapers which helped get the literacy rate up,  and paved the way for how we get our news to this day.  It did this by introducing the era of mass communication, which is something that is still evolving to this day.  Now we get news communicated to us by way more than just newspapers.  Now we get notifications on our phones giving us news, and we can watch news on television and all of that wouldn't be a thing if it weren't for the printing press.  

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